Today there are many variations of Gua-Sha, in shape and material. Generally we find them made with “minerals” and I say this in quotation marks because after consulting with several artisans who were dedicated to working with precious stones and minerals, they all arrived at the same result.
To make a Gua Sha, you would need 2kg of mineral and then polish it until it forms a single piece. The cost of this tool would range between €200-250.
My head exploded and I thought about all the mineral Gua-Sha that they sell such as rose quartz, jade, obsidian, tiger's eye, amethyst at prices of €20. This is because most of their composition is acrylic and toxic and a small part is mineral.
That is why I decided to make Healthy Gua Sha, a unique porcelain piece, designed by me. Made with respectful materials and handcrafted one by one, with such a delicate stroke that it can be used on any type of skin, even the most sensitive.
Gua-Sha is known for its multiple benefits on the skin, but I am especially fascinated by the work it does on the fascia and connective tissue.
By releasing the “knots” and tensions in the fascia, we achieve relaxation of all the systems that surround it, including the circulatory and muscular systems, which when tense are one of the main reasons why your face looks tired and prematurely aged.
Connective tissue is composed of, among others:
- Collagen fibers
- Elastin fibers
- Reticular fibers
Collagen is abundant in the deeper layers of the skin, while elastin is found in greater quantities in the middle layer.
By working deeply, you will be able to naturally release and activate these fibers that are the basis of the body's natural nutrition. When these fibers are in balance, their activity is prolonged and they help us age more slowly.
On the other hand, the lymphatic system is activated, draining toxins and restoring the skin's natural luminosity and firmness. A lymphatic system loaded with toxins is the same as an exhausted, slowed-down system that does not properly dispose of its toxins and, therefore, ages you prematurely, leaving you with dull, lifeless skin.
When we activate it, it starts working and debugging.
If your lymphatic system is kept clean, you will easily eliminate toxins from your skin and it will shine and look much healthier and younger.
The importance of performing a good massage with Healthy Gua sha to drain and eliminate toxins will help you rest better, cleanse and regenerate your skin while you sleep.
Benefits of Healthy Gua-Sha massage
- Improves blood and lymphatic circulation.
- Promotes cellular oxygenation.
- Increases skin elasticity and mobility.
- Reduces wrinkles and expression lines.
- It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
- Increases tissue nutrition.
- Softens scars.
- Regulates metabolism.
- Promotes the circulation of energy (QI).
- Relaxes muscle and facial tension.